We Need Your Help

Your support can make a real difference. Together, we can create a brighter future for Gaza’s healthcare system. Get involved today!

Overview of Programs

At the Samir Foundation, our primary focus is to support medical students and future healthcare professionals in Gaza. Our initiatives are designed to provide essential resources, financial aid, and educational support to ensure that aspiring doctors have the tools they need to succeed. Explore our programs to learn how we are making a difference.
Immediate Financial Aid

Healthcare Infrastructure Development

We provide essential financial support to medical students to cover tuition fees, living expenses, and educational resources. Many of our students have lost their families or resources due to the conflict, and our financial aid helps them continue their studies without interruption.

Tuition Fees

Covering the cost of tuition for medical students.

Living Expenses

Providing stipends to help students with their day-to-day living costs.

Educational Resources

Supplying textbooks, lab coats, and other necessary materials.
Ensuring Students Have the Tools They Need

Educational Resources Provision

We supply medical students with necessary equipment such as stethoscopes, lab coats, and iPads to aid their studies. These resources are essential for their education and future careers as healthcare professionals.


Providing high-quality stethoscopes for medical students.

Lab Coats

Ensuring every student has the proper attire for clinical practice.

iPads and Laptops

Supplying digital tools to facilitate modern learning and access to educational resources.
Providing Immediate Support During Crises

Emergency Aid

We offer emergency aid to medical students and their families during crises, ensuring they have the support they need to overcome challenging situations. This includes financial assistance, essential supplies, and emotional support to help them continue their studies without interruption.

Financial Assistance

Providing urgent financial support to cover living and educational expenses.

Essential Supplies

Delivering necessary supplies to students and their families affected by crises.

Emotional Support

Offering counseling and emotional support to help students cope with stress and trauma.
Empowering Healthcare Professionals with Skills and Knowledge

Professional Training and Capacity Building

We offer professional development programs for healthcare workers to improve their skills and knowledge. Our training programs cover a wide range of topics, including emergency response, patient care, and advanced medical techniques.

Training Workshops

Conducting workshops and seminars to enhance the skills of healthcare professionals.

Certification Programs

Offering certification programs to validate the training and skills acquired by healthcare workers.

Continuous Education

Providing ongoing education opportunities to keep healthcare professionals updated with the latest medical practices.
Promoting Health and Wellness in the Community

Health Education and Awareness

We conduct community outreach programs to educate and raise awareness about health and wellness. We organize workshops and seminars to inform the public about important health issues and promote healthy lifestyles.

Health Workshops

Organizing workshops on various health topics, such as nutrition, hygiene, and disease prevention.

Awareness Campaigns

Running campaigns to raise awareness about specific health issues affecting the community.

Educational Materials

Distributing pamphlets, flyers, and other educational materials to inform the public about health and wellness.
Advocating for Better Healthcare Policies and Systems

Policy Advocacy and Support

We collaborate with organizations to strengthen healthcare policies and systems. We work with policymakers and other stakeholders to advocate for changes that will improve healthcare access and quality in Gaza.

Policy Development

Working with local and international partners to develop and implement effective healthcare policies.

Advocacy Campaigns

Running campaigns to advocate for policy changes that support better healthcare services.

Stakeholder Engagement

Engaging with key stakeholders to build support for healthcare policy improvements.
Innovative Virtual Anatomy Lab for Medical Education

Samir Lab

Introducing the Samir Lab, the first virtual anatomy lab designed to enhance medical education through innovative technology. This lab provides medical students with an interactive learning experience, helping them to better understand human anatomy and improve their skills.

Virtual Learning

Offering a virtual environment for medical students to study human anatomy in detail.

Interactive Tools

Providing interactive tools and resources to enhance the learning experience.

Educational Support

Supporting medical students with additional educational resources and guidance.